About me

Dear Person Reading This,
I feel at home in duality — I'm very comfortable structuring stuff begging for absolute clarity then pivoting to kick ideas around with an art director.

And around. And around.

There's a special place in my heart for organizing writing communications for people under duress. It’s not “sexy work,” but it is important. I’ve even been known to persuade a lawyer or two into killing the legalese and leading with empathy.

Speak like a human to humans? That’s my jam.

An old boss of mine said the best thing about me is that I care. Like, really, really care. I'd have to agree. About the client, co-workers, the work itself, and getting it right.

So there.
A black-and-white headshot of Emily Capps smiling and wearing a cool scarf
Let's make some stuff.


I've done the things at the places using the skills.


  • B2B / B2C
  • Retail
  • Defense
  • Healthcare
  • Home Improvement
  • Construction
  • Automotive
  • Telecom
  • Hospitality
  • Food & Beverage
  • Packaging

Capabilities, Content Design

  • Voice & Tone Documents
  • Editorial Guides
  • Brand Guidelines
  • Messaging Strategy
  • Brand & Messaging Audits
  • Content Inventory
  • Content Hierarchy
  • Project Guides
  • SEO
  • Accessibility

Capabilities, Copy

  • Creative Concepts
  • Customer Communications
  • Outdoor
  • Naming
  • Blogs
  • Newsletters
  • UX
  • Brochures
  • Digital
  • Video
  • Email
  • Social

Clifton Strengths

It's me. The truncated version.
An ornate compilation of eccentric decor, the backdrop of the office of Emily Capps